To meet the Principal:
The Principal is normally available to parents from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, on all working days or by prior appointment.

To meet Vice-principals :
The Vice-Principals are normally available to parents from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm, on all working days or by prior appointment.

To meet Teachers :
Parents may meet the teachers by prior appointment and with the permission of the vice principal concerned only on Thursdays from 1.00pm to 1.45 pm
Our Best e-PTA (Parents Teachers Association)
The Parents Teachers Association (e-PTA) was formed on the necessity to enhance cooperation between the various stakeholders in the school’s wellbeing. The members include teachers, and an elected steering committee of parents with technological expertise representing the entire student body from kindergarten to Higher Secondary. The following are the incumbent members:
- Mr.Owais, IT Administrator
- Mr.Gopi, Project Manager-web Application
- Mr.Saleem, Network Expert
- Mr.Adil, Computer Programmer
- Mr.Aneesh, IT Specialist
More About The School
Are there any special features for SSLC Students?
Yes, we have Model Examinations. In order to help students get accustomed to sitting in SSLC exams, our students are give a number of ‘Model Exams’. This system is also called ‘Breakthrough’. It not only gives a very good indication of the type of questions that may be expected but also helps in the very important matter of "spacing out" examination time; so that all questions are attempted. The objective is for students to pass the examination with as high a percentage as possible by concentrating on what will matter in the examination hall.
Read moreWhat is the Assessment & Evaluation pattern followed?
The system of evaluation adopted by ISF is a continuous periodical assessments by way of weekly tests (Oral, written and assignments) culminating in a monthly test
and report sent to the parents for their appraisal. Parent - Teacher meetings are held every month facilitating the parents to check and discuss the "monthly performance chart" of their ward. Parents are advised to make use of this opportunity and monitor the progress of their child.'Student Dossier' a complete report-file of the student will be available with the class teacher.
ISF has introduced continues Evaluation for KG, Grade 1&2. Only grade shall be furnished in the report card and failure and pass will not be recorded.
This system of continuous evaluation is a clear shift of emphasis from evaluating the learner's performance in examination to holistic assessment of the learner's overall achievements.
This is aimed to reduce examination stress and anxiety experienced by the students. Grades are awarded for extracurricular activities and also for the students’ personal behaviour and attitude.
ISF holds three terminal examinations: First Term, Second Term and Final Examination. Terminal examinations will be held according to the set time table.
Request for holding the exams separately will not be entertained. Grade 10 & 12 public examinations are generally held in the month of March/April under the supervision of invigilators from the Secondary / Higher Secondary Board of Examination Kerala, India.
INDIAN SCHOOL FUJAIRAH is an examination centre for both S.S.L.C. and H.S.E. Exams.
Read moreDoes the school have a ‘House System’
Yes, ISF does have a House System. To inculcate a sense of loyalty, team spirit and healthy competition, the students are divided into four houses.
- Einstein
- Newton
- Shakespeare
- Tagore
There are four teachers in-charge who are members of four different houses. Each house is again headed by House Mistress/Master, House Prefect and Asst. Prefect.
Read moreAre students allowed to carry mobile phones?
Student are not allowed to bring mobile phones, iPods, psps, mp4s, cameras or any other electronic gadgets that have nothing to do with academics, to the school FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. If discovered, those items will be confiscated and will not be returned till end of the academic year. Fine of AED 200/- will be imposed.
Read moreAre any rules to be followed in the school bus
- Stand in the queue to get in to the bus.
- No pushing please.
- Sit down in the seat allotted to you.
- Walking around in the moving bus is forbidden.
- Segregation rules in the bus must be maintained.
- Shouting or talking loudly in the bus is dangerous as it may distract the driver.
- Fighting with other students can result in suspension.
- Litter in or out of the bus should not occur.
- Aisles/ walking space should be free of school bags.
- Any damage to the bus caused by you will be charged.
- Allow the K.G and primary children to be seated first.
- Please co-operate with the conductors to create a safe environment.
- If you repeatedly break the bus rules then you may be debarred from using the school transport.